Category: tax


Taxbrain Review

I decided to write this TaxBrain review after having the opportunity to see what exactly it could do. Hopefully, after reading this short review, you?ll have a better understanding of what TaxBrain is and if it is a tool you should use when the next tax season comes rolling around.

I think we?ve all been in the situation where we?ve depended on our tax return from the IRS, and we all know the agony of waiting for it. Maybe the money was going to be spent on a vacation or towards a new roof, or maybe to cover bank fees as a result of your checking account being $471 overdrawn. Whatever the reason is for you counting on the money, TaxBrain understands and works hard to get your refund to you as fast as possible.

In fact, TaxBrain works so fast refunds can be paid in as little as 24 hours. Supported on both the State and Federal levels in all 50 states, TaxBrain even has an accuracy guarantee. If they incorrectly prepare your tax return, they will pay the interest and penalties. What?s not to like about a company that is that confident in their services?

Worried about downloading yet another program onto your computer? Not a problem. TaxBrain is web-based, not program based. Just go to the web site and in less than an hour your taxes will be done, and done right. Best yet, you can do it from the comfort of your home, in your pajamas if you?d like!

Obviously, TaxBrain is the way to go in terms of tax preparation. It?s fast, easy and way more affordable than an accountant. Still, it?s just as accurate (if not more so!) than the expensive CPA. I highly recommend TaxBrain for all of your Federal and State tax filing.

10 Tips Employees Can Use To Reduce Your Tax Bill

10 Tips Employees Can Use To Reduce Your Tax Bill

  1. Use your tax allowances. If you have the cash available, use your ISA savings allowance ?7,200 for 2008/09of which ?3,600 can be in cash deposits.
  2. Make pension contributions. The amount you can pay and get tax relief is as much as your annual earnings, with an upper limit of ?235,000 for 2008/09.
  3. Get a ‘green’ car Employers can get 100% tax relief in the year they purchase a small ‘green’ car, and the benefits for the employee are much lower then for a normal car.
  4. Salary sacrifice – employers can offer to contribute to a pension (instead of the employee paying) and the employee agrees to forego some salary in return. This is ‘acceptable’ tax planning providing the correct paperwork is used, and it can save significant amounts in national insurance contributions.
  5. Use childcare vouchers – All employers can offer child care vouchers as part of their remuneration package. For those with young children these vouchers can create very worthwhile savings.
  6. Don’t overlook expenses – employees can claim for expenses they incur “in the performance of the duties of the office or employment” which are not reimbursed. There is a table of agreed rates for various trades, and these allowances are often given via an adjustment to the employees tax code. If you don’t receive a tax return, use form P87 to reclaim the tax on expenses.
  7. Tax-free round sum incidental overnight expenses * Employers may reimburse employees for incidental expenses when they stay overnight for work purposes (s240 and 241 ITEPA 2003) E.g. For newspapers, laundry or phonecalls home. For the employee, these expenses are not incurred necessarily in performing the duties of the employment, and so do not qualify for tax relief, however employers may nevertheless reimburse such incidental expenses, free of tax and NICs as follows:?5 per night for overnight stays in the UK * ?10 per night for overnight stays outside the UK (but see new guidance below)
  8. Happy families – a family can reduce the overall tax payable, if a higher taxpaying spouse transfers investments or savings to a spouse with a lower or no income.
  9. More family planning – children are entitled to the same annual personal tax allowance as adults. They can earn money working, and receive investment income free of tax, for example on a gift from Grandparents. However on a gift from parents if the income generated exceeds ?100 then the income is assessed upon the parent.
  10. It is almost never worth having ‘fuel for private use’ as a benefit. You have to do a huge private mileage for the extra tax to be less than even the cost of the fuel actually used for private motoring. It is very often better also for the individual to provide a car and be paid mileage for business use, and to be compensated with additional salary. The maximum mileage rates are 40p for the first 10,000 miles and 25p thereafter. If the actual reimbursement is below these rates, the difference can be claimed as an ‘expense’ on the tax return or a P87 form.

Uniform Tax Relief- A Way to Obtain Tax Refund

Paying off taxes is obligatory and it is indeed an irresponsible act on the part of people not to pay off taxesIt is obligatory for every responsible citizens of a country to pay off the accurate amount of tax to the government in the correct time. These money paid as tax is, in turn, spent by the government to boost up the well being of the individuals as well as society and to make improvement in the social infrastructure.The government of any nation also offers plethora of tax exemptions for the benefit of the populace. This is why people must in no way cheat the government by means of evasion of taxes for the reason that in case they really have predicament in repaying duties the government is going to certainly hear them.Tax relief is provided to those people who have definite uniforms at their place of workGovernment assist individuals in several ways by offering means of tax cut off. Among those ways, an evident one is uniform tax relief provided by the government to those having uniforms in their place of work.

These exemptions provided to the individuals can save lots of money. In United Kingdom the administration offers tax relaxation to the individuals having uniform in their employment places in that the price needed for purchasing, laundry expenses, repairing in addition to the maintenance price of the uniform are reimbursed by the government to the workers.What are the necessary conditions laid down in order to get the uniform duty relief by the government?If individuals have the intention to acquire uniform tax relief from the government it is vital for them to satisfy the mandatory conditions laid down by the government.

These conditions include the followingIn first case it is necessary that this uniform must have the company logo and it must not be at any cost worn outside the working place.The next necessary fact to keep in mind is that varying rates of tax reduction is applicable for different workers in accordance with their employment trade. Therefore to obtain tax relief the workers must be acquainted with the group they actually belong to. They must also know the reduction amount.Laundry expenses in actual are the expenditures that individuals cannot avoid but they can certainly same money simply by making use of the laundry coupons. This may be taken into consideration as the most excellent method to trim down the laundry expenditure.

Tax Relief: Let?s Be Fair And Charitable

Any tax scheme should reflect a nation?s goal to increase productivity and to improve the lives of people of all income and social levels. As it is now, the U.S. tax system has too many inequities. Let?s look at a few:

1. Successful small entrepreneurs must give almost 50% of their income to government in taxes
2. Most Americans can?t deduct their charitable donations
3. Marriage often means that a couple will be subjected to higher tax burdens
4. Farms and businesses owned by families are sold to pay death tax
5. Single parents (usually women) are in a higher marginal tax bracket than the wealthy

This is not a fair system and a tax plan must provide tax relief for those who belong to the groups described above.

When the income tax was established, the importance of supporting and encouraging charitable donations by providing a deduction for doing so was realised. Unfortunately, a whopping 70% of persons who file taxes cannot deduct the donations to charities because these deductions are not itemized.

While the intention is not to make the wealthy ?pay? for being wealthy, a fair, balanced tax relief must see the more affluent citizens bearing a bigger portion of the tax load; and by allowing each taxpayer to deduct her/his charitable donations by expanding this deduction to non-itemizers, millions or even billions more will be gained in charitable contributions.

So let?s encourage the government, through the way we vote and lobby and protest, to be for fair and charitable in the tax plan, so that we all – rich or not-so-rich – would get that tax relief.

Compliance Code of India Legal And Tax Compliance

In many cases, especially with new companies setting up operations in India, significant codes need to be followed. The compliance teams in a law firm provide such legal services during the formation and setting up phase. The compliances code includes corporate, tax and regulatory compliances. Legal Compliance in India Legal compliance is the process or procedure to ensure that an organization follows relevant laws, regulations and business rules. The definition of legal issue, especially in the context of corporate legal departments, has recently been expanded to include understanding and adhering to ethical codes within entire professions, as well. There are two requirements for an enterprise to be compliant with the law, first its policies need to be consistent with the law. Second, its policies need to be complete with respect to the law. The role of legal compliance has also been expanded to include self-monitoring the non-governed behavior with industries and corporations that could lead to workplace indiscretions. It is also important to realize that within the legal framework, legal teams work closely with executive teams and other business departments to align their goals and ensure proper communication. Legal Compliance Manual Legal Compliance Manual put together by the Indian Institute of Corporate Affairs (IICA) contains a list of compliances required to be carried out on the part of businesses that arise under various central and state legislation. The Legal Compliance Manual is divided into various sub-categories to cover respective legal requirements, namely: It is indeed a useful tool for practitioners and businesses given the plethora of legal compliance required on their part while operating in India. Tax Compliance in India Tax compliance is a complex phenomenon that is governed by a variety of factors. Some of these factors are tax rates, complexity of laws, procedures, forms and returns, the efficiency of tax administration including tax audits, and the legal consequences of non-compliance. The reforms in indirect taxes in the last two decades may have reduced the cost of compliance. Herein, the compliance cost is taken as a percentage of the total cost of running the business. Tax Compliance Review Tax Compliance Review (TCR) is an audit of the compliance requirements of tax laws covering besides correct payment of taxes and duties, complete availing of concessions, benefits, subsidies, exemptions and credits. TCR is a mechanism to ensure correct payment of taxes and helps businesses devise sound strategies for smooth functioning within the framework of different laws. In most businesses, in-house expertise is not sufficient to achieve these objectives. Fortified by a strong background in tax laws and litigation, Lakshmikumaran&Sridharan undertakes high-quality TCR for clients. TCR enables clients to maximize benefits, identify opportunities and exposures for taking corrective action. It ensures correct payment of duties/taxes, assessment of the training requirements and changes required in the business processes. The TCR team works closely with clients to understand their particular needs and deliver specific solutions.

Cost Segregation – Tax Deductions

Cost Segregation – Tax Deductions – The Primary Goal of Cost Segregation
By understanding business tax deductions, business owners may enjoy personal benefits from business expenditures – a nice car to drive, a combination business trip/vacation, retirement savings plan – if they follow the myriad tax rules.The tax code allows deductions from gross income, which reduce income taxes. Increasing tax deductions reduces taxable income and income taxes. Therefore, knowing how to maximize your deductible business expenses enables you to lower taxes.According to the IRS, trade or business expenses must be ordinary and necessary to be considered a tax deduction. Although the tax code does not specifically define “ordinary” and “necessary” tax deductions, these types of expenses are specified in various IRS publications and regulations. Some of the tax deductions business owners can claim fall under categories such as charitable contributions/donation deductions, medical and dental deductions, moving expense deductions, deducting job costs, travel and entertainment expense deductions, casualty and theft losses, depreciation and involuntary conversion deductions.The wisdom of tax planning is to take advantage of all the benefits Uncle Sam has to offer.

An increasingly popular federal tax savings phenomenon is utilizing a cost segregation study (CSS). These studies offer business owners of improved commercial real estate the opportunity to defer taxes, reduce their overall current tax burden, and free up capital by improving cash flow. A CSS study will identify any item that can be depreciated over a shorter period of time. These studies can result in accelerated depreciation deductions for properties including new buildings being constructed, renovations of existing buildings, leasehold improvements, and the purchase of real estate.The primary goal of cost segregation is to identify building components that can be reclassified from real property to personal property. This results in a substantially shorter depreciable tax life and accelerated depreciation methods. Ordinarily, the cost of real, or section 1250, property is recovered over lengthy periods (27.5 and 39 years for residential and nonresidential property, respectively), using the straight-line method of depreciation.

Personal, or section 1245, property is recovered over considerably shorter periods (5, 7 or 15 years), and employs accelerated methods of depreciation, such as 200% or 150% declining balance.Tax reduction services include federal income taxes, state income taxes and property taxes. We do not prepare income tax returns. Instead, our advisors review your circumstances and suggest cost effective options to lawfully reduce your income tax liability.

Escape The Burden Of Taxes With Colorado Interest Mortgage Rate Refinance

Let?s face it. Even if they are for a good cause, taxes are a pain. It doesn?t help when you know it?s not being used the way it should be because of the shameless pilfering of corrupt politicians. Unfortunately, there are only two things certain in life and these are death and taxes, so there?s really no way to get away from them.

Less Is More

Instead of moving to the jungle where the Internal Revenue Service or IRS can?t find you and force you to pay taxes, why not think about relocating to a state where taxes are minimal and not so painful like Colorado? In Colorado, you don?t only get to breathe fresh mountain air all the time, which is already a perk in itself, but income tax is a flat 4.63% and is calculated based on taxable income, basically the income left over from federal exemptions and standard deductions. That is so much better than having your taxes computed from your gross income.

Yes, Colorado is indeed ideal. You get to pay less in taxes and save more of your hard earned money for yourself and your family. With a Colorado interest mortgage rate refinance, you?ll be well on your way to making bigger savings in the famous Centennial State.

Lower Is Definitely Higher

Of course, real estate and personal business properties are taxable in Colorado. But isn?t it taxable everywhere else? The important thing is the fact that the state of Colorado collects considerably less than a third of the nation?s 50 states. You can be sure that your Colorado interest mortgage rate refinance is reasonable and therefore, easy on the finances.

At this point, you?re probably a tad bit disappointed. After all, why can?t you just have your Colorado interest mortgage rate refinance as it is without the added burden of state taxes? Well, as inviting as it may be, you can?t fight the institution and you certainly can?t fight the government. There are simply some things that can?t be helped, one of them the taxes imposed on the property you are buying with a Colorado interest mortgage rate refinance. Look on the bright side. It won?t go away altogether, but it is a lower tax rate than anywhere else, giving you higher savings than when you purchase property in, say, Vermont.

The Price Of Living

Like any financially sound person, you are of course thinking about the cost of living. That is naturally dependent on your lifestyle. Retail sales tax in Colorado amount to only 2.9%. Add that to your daily expenses and to your Colorado interest mortgage rate refinance payments and you get the picture. The math is actually fairly straightforward. Also, if you lived in the state for a full year, you are eligible for sales tax refunds and individual state income tax returns. Employment is not a problem. Colorado plays host to thousands of industries and Denver, the state?s capital, is the home of Wall Street in the West.

Indeed, Colorado is not only economically and financially ideal; it also provides perfect living conditions. After all, who can put a price tag on beautiful mountains and fresh air? In Colorado, you get those, and more, for free.


Aspects of Corporate Taxation in India

Corporate taxes are annual taxes chargeable on the income of a corporate body operating in India. Company, whether Indian or foreign, public or private is liable for taxation. All companies formed and registered in India are considered as domestic companies, whereas, a foreign company is a company whose control and management is situated completely outside India. In case of domestic company, tax is levied on all the global earnings, which include income from all sources, amount of dividend declared, distributed or paid, etc., however foreign companies do not need to make the prescribed arrangements for declaration and payment of dividends within India.Rate of TaxDomestic companies are subject to corporate tax in India. They are charged at the rate of 30 per cent of their total earnings, while international business organisations working in India are normally liable at the tax rate of 40 per cent. Tax rate for foreign companies is 50 per cent for any royalty income received from the Government or any fees received for rendering technical services under an agreement approved by the Central Government.SurchargeCompanies with a turnover of Rs. 1 crore or more are subject to a surcharge levied on the total taxes paid by them. The domestic companies and foreign companies are chargeable at the rate of 5 per cent and 2 per cent respectively.Educational cessAn additional educational cess is levied at the rate of 3 per cent on the amount of tax, inclusive of surcharge, in all cases. It includes “Education Cess on Income Tax” and “Secondary and Higher Education Cess on Income Tax” at the rate of 2 per cent and 1 per cent respectively.Various deductions and rebates allowed in Corporate TaxationThese tax laws, rules, and rates vary from country to country. Indian income tax laws have various rules and regulations, and are amended from time to time. Hence, understanding these laws has become more complex, and one might eventually end up paying more taxes.There are various corporate law firms in India, which provide optimal tax solutions to their clients in a cost-effective manner on the basis of experience gained by them in dealing with a multitude of clients. These law firms provide legal assistance in many cases related to taxation like filing of income tax returns, foreign tax advice, and various provisions related to capital gains, TDS, etc. They are committed to provide innovative legal solutions to its domestic as well as international clients.


Tax Lien Certificates And Subsequent Tax Procedures

Tax lien auctions have gotten more and more competitive in recent years. Some factors that have led to this trend include: more awareness among small investors because of new courses on the market, more Wall Street money entering the market and the new trend of internet tax sales.

If you have been to the tax lien sale lately you may have noticed something interesting. The big dog investors are bidding the properties down to next to nothing. In Florida, it’s very common to see properties bid down to one quarter of one percent. Has your banker gone insane? Or do they know something that you don’t?

It’s probably a little of both, or they are probably playing the sub tax game. What’s the sub tax game? It’s very simple, really. In many states, the regulations allow tax lien investors to pay the taxes for the following years, also called subsequent taxes. In other states, the investor is actually even required to pay the sub taxes. Even more interesting, many states also have minimum penalty statues on the books that make investing there very attractive.

For example, in Florida, it is very common for the tax liens to be bid down all the way to one quarter of one percent. However, Florida also has a 5% penalty clause and an 18% normal interest rate. So, in Florida, the investor will often buy the lien at the quarter percent bid. If the lien redeems in three months, then he has made a 20% return. Worst case, the lien does not get paid for the whole year and the investor still makes 5%, which is a lot better than bank cd’s.

Then, the investor has the sub tax rule to make up the difference. He simply pays the following year’s taxes and is at the full 18% for the sub lien without any competition. Not only that, he is secured by high quality real estate. The two liens together will average well over 10%. So, the investor either gets a nice high rate of return, or he gets a nice Florida house.

Of course, that’s assuming that a hurricane doesn’t blow the house down. Heck, he is even covered there, because the tax lien investor gets first dibs on the insurance money, ahead of the homeowner and even the mortgage company. What a deal!

So, as you can see, subsequent taxes are an area of tax lien investing where you need to know the rules and learn to play the game. If you do it properly, then you can make some huge profits!


Home Business Tax Deductions

Dreading April?

If you are running a home business, it is important to remember that there are tax deductions for you when tax season rolls around. Of course, you do not want to try to fool the IRS (no one wants to run the risk of being audited!), but you do want to take advantage of those deductions that are rightfully yours. Running your own home business takes much of the same expenses, effort, time, space, equipment, and travel as any other business. Below are some home business tax deductions to remember as April is drawing near.

If you have a home office that is dedicated solely to your home business, you can add it to your list of home business deductions. The same goes for telephone charges, office supplies, furniture, software, subscriptions, and other equipment. Do not fear an audit for making these home business tax deductions as long as these items are used exclusively for your home business.

If your business requires you to leave your home office, you can add the cost of travel, mileage, meals, entertainment, and anything else that goes along with the cost of living on the road to your home business tax deductions. During the year, make sure you keep documentation of your mileage, your trips, food, etc.

Now, what about the really big stuff? Well, when making home business tax deductions, you can also take into consideration insurance premiums (if you are self-employed and pay for your own insurance), the money you deduct for retirement, and half of what you pay towards your social security. And if your children are seventeen or younger and are working for you, you can deduct their salaries as business expenses.

This is just a quick scan of the home business tax deductions you can take advantage of. For more information, check out , and talk to a tax professional.